Brandi J. Clark

Literacy, Technology, Pop Culture...Oh My!

Don’t Fast Forward….Start the Movie Where You Want To

Here is the bonus post for today. Yesterday I shared video sources on the net. Sometimes…it is just a part of the video you want. So here is a link to a tool that let’s you choose where to start your video and save that link instead.

The link is called, “YouTube Time


Until Next Time,

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Need Videos for Your LiveBinder?…TOP 5 Places to Find Them!

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So, you have decided to create your own LiveBinder. After going through all the “dead” binders in my home office I can see the value of a “virtual” shelf…

But where do you get videos for your students.

Have no fear…The Lit Maven is here!

1. WatchKnow

Sliding filter, feature to find age appropriate videos (3 to 18+) and a broad directory as seen here:

2. EduTube

A vast array of educational videos. You can search by:


*Video Type

*Video Length

*Educational Level

3. YouTube

Videos that might not be on Edutube. The biggest directory of videos, that I know, out there.

4. Khan Academy

Math and Science focus…all ages. Check out the TED talk on the home page…very inspiring!

5. Brightstorm

Math and Science focus…middle to high school. Thanks to Brandon for letting me know about that one!

“They have a textbook browsing feature in which they have mapped popular school textbooks to the videos on their site, so essentially as the teacher is going through the book, there are videos that directly correlate with whatever lesson he or she is teaching. also in beta testing right now, they have a ‘maps’ feature in which both teachers and students can create playlists of however videos they want in any order they want, so they can have their own personalized lesson plan. it’s like flipping the classroom… students can watch the videos at home and then teachers can run experiments, show other videos, have discussions in class. and it’s all up to the teacher’s discretion because she can customize her lesson plan. pretty neat, i think, and she can also share her map with other teachers across the country.” -Brandon


Other Posts on this Topic

Digital Textbooks…Like Putting Lipstick on a Pig

Digital Textbooks…It’s a Matter of Definition

Building a Textbook From Scratch…5 Reasons to Try LiveBinder

5 Tips for Starting Your Own LiveBinder

But until then…Here is the video that helped the LitMaven learn her numbers:

Until Next Time,

Lit Maven Out!

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