Brandi J. Clark

Literacy, Technology, Pop Culture...Oh My!

Building a LiveBinder?…Let it “Bloom” With These Tools!

And she Blooms, she Blooms, Oh baby! Then she moves, she moves…(Major liberties taken, as per usual.)

My obsession with LiveBinder continues to grow. It has become my new Google. I guess it’s because I know each binder was created by someone who used their blood, sweat and tears to create it. (Their body not the band.)

I have this recurring dream though…that Bloom’s Taxonomy keeps coming back!

Bloom’s came back…the very next day…Bloom’s came back, I thought it was a goner…but.”

Wow! Lit Maven…too much sun!

Ya think?


Anyway, I am keen to share these new LiveBinder resources under the theme of Bloom’s Taxonomy. I absolutely think they offer anyone a crash course in understanding Bloom’s as well as incredibly helpful resources. (SO helpful that I continue to have them swirl in my mind.)


1) Bloom’s Digital Taxonomy by Colleen Young

Check out the second tab, “Quick Sheets”. Here you will find definitions, key verbs and possible activities. The last tab, “Posters” has the most amazing Taxonomy wheel. I loved this! I would marry it, if I wasn’t already. Please explore…OK one more thing…Under the visual tab, are APPS that relate to the different Bloom’s levels…seriously exciting.


2) Digital Bloom’s Taxonomy by Kelly Tenkely

This LiveBinder is neatly divided into the Taxonomy levels. This one is intended for the students and would be great to share with parents.

So as you create your brand spankin’ new resources…consider your Bloom’s Taxonomy…you can’t ignore it…

Other Posts on this Topic

Digital Textbooks…Like Putting Lipstick on a Pig

Digital Textbooks…It’s a Matter of Definition

Building a Textbook From Scratch…5 Reasons to Try LiveBinder

5 Tips for Starting Your Own LiveBinder

Need Videos for Your LiveBinder…Top 5 Sources

Need Images for Your LiveBinder…Top 5 Sources

Building a LiveBinder…Brick by Brick

“What’s that scratching at the door?”

“Oh…hey Bloom’s…I thought you were a goner…”

And in case you missed it the first time…

Until Next Time,

Lit Maven Out!

Building a LiveBinder…Make Sure to Include Tagxedo

What… tuxedo?

No Tagxedo

Another awesome tool to inspire even the most cranky learner:

And that’s cranky!

I was going through the feature shelves at LiveBinder again… and guess what I found?

My new favorite LiveBinder…Writing Resources to Inspire Students

Clicked on the tab Tagxedo and my world changed.

Tired of Wordle…try Tagxedo!

This one is easy-peasy to try. Now I will show you the magic…

1) Start by loading words or

2)Just type in any


*Twitter Id

* Id



*RSS (look-up)

3)Choose, color, theme, layout, shape..etc and voila…

Here is what my blog looks like:

Educational Applications101 Ways to Use Tagexdo

Current Events

1)Visit the Daily Tuxedo

2)Scroll to the Dailey tagxedo that appeals to you.

3)Click on the INTERACTIVE link below the image.

4)Use your cursor to select a word within the tagxedo cloud and it goes right to an information source.


Ice Breakers

Break the Ice At the beginning of the school year,

ask each student to make a Tagxedo about himself/herself

Show a sample (e.g. one about you, or previous class)

What you like, what’s unique about you

Normalize Frequency make the exercise much easier (just give an ordered list of words or phrases)

classic cloud: >40 words/phrases shape: >100

Each student gets a few minutes to talk about themselves

Easiest – each makes a list, teacher makes Tagxedoes

Hardest – each makes own Tagxedo (with shape)

From slide 33

Summarize Chapters of a Book

Use text from the chapter

Highlight selected words to summarize the chapter or lead to the next

Use related shape

Example: Tom Sawyer, steamboat (silhouettes

From slide 50

Try any of these, and I can guarantee that your students will feel like this:

Other posts on this topic:

Digital Textbooks…Like Putting Lipstick on a Pig

Digital Textbooks…It’s a Matter of Definition

Building a Textbook From Scratch…5 Reasons to Try LiveBinder

5 Tips for Starting Your Own LiveBinder

Need Videos for Your LiveBinder…Top 5 Sources

Need Images for Your LiveBinder…Top 5 Sources

Building a LiveBinder…Brick by Brick

Building a LiveBinder…Let it Bloom With These Tools

Let me know how it works out for you!

Until Next Time,

Lit Maven Out!