Brandi J. Clark

Literacy, Technology, Pop Culture...Oh My!

What’s More Depressing Than Watching the Titanic? Watching While Newly Diagnosed With Cancer…True Story

I think life can be divided in parts.

B.K. Before Kids A.K. After Kids…

For me, it’s B.C. Before Cancer and A.D. After Da tumor!

In 1998 I was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. I was 22, just married…nearly buried…

To celebrate I went to see Titanic; nothing more uplifting than to watch a boat sink.

But to be honest, I only cried twice; the day I was diagnosed and the other when I discovered I was Stage IV…AKA “end of the line”

My hair was supposed to fall out…it didn’t.

I was supposed to be nauseous…I wasn’t.

I was supposed to lose weight…sadly no.

Chemo-Sabe? My sense of tumor got me through.

The experience has made me stronger.

ŸI hate wasting time.

ŸI don’t think everything needs to be SO serious and…

Ÿ I seek balance in all that I do.

With this blog I hope to inspire until you perspire. I hope that my observations on mind, body, and spirit sync with yours.

In all honesty, I want to make you learn, laugh and love.







Damn! Remember When You Used to Get Change From a Dollar


Clearly, being a Lit Maven, I notice signs.

I notice cute signs.

I notice loud signs.


I notice signs that misrepresent info. (Or at least I hope it is wrong!)

Check out the above.

Would it have killed them to include a decimal?

A decimal makes a huge difference.

Would you rather get paid $1000.00 for a job or $100.00?

All I know… is that suddenly… I have to create an account for fast food.

I hope smiles are still free.

Until Next Time
Lit Maven Out!

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