The Goldie Hawn Summer Reading Strategy
I was the type of kid who read everything, from cereal boxes to shampoo bottles. I read the backs of hockey cards. I read signs and everything and anything I could get my “eyes” on.
Summer is coming. Can reading continue?
Read with your kids.
BUT read what they want!
I was reminded of this while watching Overboard. The movie with Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell.
The youngest child is struggling with reading. Without school resources on hand (ie. leveled books, RAZkids, library books) they begin reading a comic together.
This is important.
Yes, kids need to practice reading books independently.
But sometimes these books are not interesting.
Reading is highly motivating when the book is interesting.
I’ve noticed many young readers will try to read a Harry Potter book.
They can’t read it. But they want to.
So, help them. Bridge that gap. The closeness is worth it. The comprehension is worth it.
Reading is worth it.
Here is the scene I was talking about. Enjoy!
Until Next Time,
Love Coach Clark!